Fuel Activation and Exhaust Systems for Vehicle Engines
The Fuel Activation and Exhaust System for Vehicle Engines is composed of two components: Bio Filter and Bio Net. The first component, BIO Filter, improves fuel quality by reducing fuel particle size and aiding distribution of air in the fuel forcleaner burning. The second component, BIO Net, effectively improves air input into vehicle engines by purifying the air and changing its polarity to achieve a more efficient combustion, and thus reduce pollutant emission levels.
本公司將兩項活性化功能產品結合,而開發出新一代汽車燃料完全燃燒活性化系統。其中之燃料活性過濾器(BIO Filter),從改善燃料物性著手,一方面促進燃料油分子自然分裂,一方面配合新鮮空氣注入引擎室後,幫助燃料在引擎室內完全燃燒。此外,更在空氣濾清器(AIR CLEANER)之OUTLET上裝置活性過濾網(BIO Net),將空氣中有害酸性物質CO、NMHC、NOx及THC等減少,使通過排氣管處理後排出之車輛廢氣,可達成比法定排放標準更低之水準,為整個大都會圈之生活環境造就無污染、無害之生存空間。