Connectors must be cleaved before they can be polished. Laser cleaving increases production yield and connector performance. Laser cleaving has been effectively proven and qualified as more reliable than mechanical connector cleaving. ost Benefits of Laser Cleaving Prior to Polishing :Combines scribing + Denubbing + Epoxy removal Reduces consumable costs, Minimizes abrasive consumable cost (1-2 polishing operations eliminated) Eliminates scribe blade wear-out, Higher yields, Increases throughput (or) reduces headcount Advantage : Compact, One button operation, Camera, screen & light, Foot switch, Dust collector, single fiber, multi fibers, Eliminating cracking caused by mechanical cleaving Competitive tool & accessories price, No need for periodic parts replacemen
LASER LIFE CO., LTD. 1F, No. 24., Gongye E. 4Th Rd. East Dist., Hsinchu, Taiwan