鱗片式伸縮護罩 Finned Bellow Covers
應用於工作區域有大量的高溫切削屑,超大行程或鈑金式護蓋安裝空間不足的解決方案,如:臥式加工中心機、動柱式加工中心機及各類型的CNC 加工中心均可使用,在風箱式護罩褶景高處,搭配不鏽鋼金屬或鋁合金做表面防護,可防此高溫切削屑破壞,防護效果佳。
The are suitable for large amounts of high-temperature shavings, extra large travel and insufficient space for mounting metal sheet guard. Applicable machines include horizontal machining centers, traveling column machining centers and various CNC machining centers. The corrugation top is equipped with stainless steel or aluminum alloy sheet for surface protection to prevent high temperature from damaging the cover while ensuring superior protection effect.