FJ-501 自動噴料桶 (投餌機) Automatic Feeder
1. 採用滾輪式送料設計,可以調整所需的投料量。
2. 雙噴料口設計, 可以涵蓋較寬的餵養區域。
3. 桶身採用不鏽鋼#304製成, 可以抵抗酸、鹼性, 堅固耐用。
4. 高效率多葉式鼓風機可以提供長距離噴料,操作穩定,噴料均勻、順利。
5. 容易操作及保養。
1. Adopt roller feeds-sending, can adjust required feeding quantity.
2. Double blowing outlets, can covers wide feeding area.
3. Barrel body made of stainless steel #304 material, can resistance acid and alkalinity, durable and strong.
4. High efficient multi-bladed blower can provides long jetting distance, operate stably, sending feeds evenly and smoothly.
5. Easy operation and maintenance.