Black Moly (黑色 Moly)
使用在低速高負載的零組件之潤滑, 插稍, 軸心, 螺絲帽, 齒輪, 鏈條, 軸承及傳動部
1. 機械工具零件
2. 高裝載軸承- 每分鐘500轉
3. 熱排氣扇
4. 螺絲調整
5. 起重機螺絲
6. 碾碎銑床機
耐壓:35, 000 Kg/cm²
Product Benefits
1. Protects and lubricates metal parts in high friction, high pressure environments
2. Provides smooth break-in of new and rebuilt equipment
3. Resists temperatures to 399 degree
1磅/罐, 42磅/桶