Address: No. 12, Shinshin St., Shinwu Hsiang, Towyeng Hsien, Taiwan
Tel: +886-3-4777111
FAX: +886-3-4777060
Est. Year: 1991
Capital: NT$ 5,000,000
Chief Executive Officer: Mayhar Chen
Board Chairman: Mayhar Chen
General Manager: Mayhar Chen
Sales Manager: John Chiang
RS-232/RS-422/485 interface converter series, RS-232 current loop interface converter series, RS-232 X.21, V.35, R449 high speed interface converter series, RS-232, RS-485, V.35, RS-449 protocol analyzer series, LAN cable tester series, V.35, RS-449 cable manufacture.

Company Profile:
1. We design customer satisfaction products.
2. We maintain a
3. We support all technical solution of RS-232/RS-485/Current loop
4. Our mission are
/current loop/LAN tester and interface converter solutions .
