Address: 5F, 52 Nan Kang Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-27853839, +886-7-3525226
FAX: +886-2-27820180
Est. Year: 1987
Capital: NT$ 202,060,000
Chief Executive Officer: M. C. Liu
Board Chairman: M. C. Liu
General Manager: Hweinan Yih
Sales Manager: Carl Hu
Scope of Business:
Real Time Dynamic Simulation SystemsNeural Network Applications, War Game SystemsCIM Software Applications, Traffic Control & Management SystemsClean Roon Engineering, Process Instrument & Control EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering.

Company Profile:
Advanced Control & System Inc. (ACS) is a ISO-9001 certified system
integrator, and dedicates its proficiency in developing computer,
communication, control, and information industrial applications.
ACS has headquarter office in Taipei and four
branch offices to provide contrywide and overseas services.
