Address: No. 100, Huan-Ho St., His-Chih Town, Taipei Hsien Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-2-26942986
FAX: +886-2-26943215, +886-2-26943221
Est. Year: 1981
Capital: NT$ 115,000,000
Chief Executive Officer: Y. C. Lu
Board Chairman: Y. C. Lu
General Manager: Y. C. Lu
Sales Manager: Rexi Li
computer parts (mainboard), acp (applied computing platform).

Company Profile:
DFI Inc. carried out its commitment in computer electronic products
since its establishment 1981.The continuous dedication and ambition
enable DFI to grow rapidly in the sales channel development globally
and to become one of top 10 mainboard manufacturing and marketing
companies in the world.
