Address: 8Th. Fl., No. 3, Sec. 1, Tun-Hwa South. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-25782111
FAX: +886-2-25702118
Est. Year: 1967
Capital: NT$ 312,400,000
Chief Executive Officer: T. Ohira
Board Chairman: T. Ohira
General Manager: K. Wada
Sales Manager: Frank Chou
ABS luggage, ABS attach case, ABS beauty case, soft case, soft bag.

Company Profile:
Echolac has been founded in 1967 in Taiwan for the intensive
production of attache, travel, beauty case and soft luggage/bags
under the technical collaboration with Kodama Chemical Ind.
Japan who is the brand owner of Echolac.
