Address: 8F-2, No. 1, Kuang Fu S. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-27486688
FAX: +886-2-27470022
Est. Year: 1987
Capital: NT$ 34,500,000
Chief Executive Officer: Bunny Liu
Board Chairman: Bunny Liu
General Manager: Gary Kuo
glory nutria 7 fruits bar, aboca organic functional herbal tea, aboca tonics, glory nutria vitamin C jellies, VIT-GUTE concentrate pastilles, functional toothpaste.
VIT-GUTE kid plus milk powder.

Company Profile:
Glory Kingdom was founded in 1987.
We are an Importer, a Product Developer and a Marketing Specialist.
Multi-brand and Multi-channel strategy give products enduring life.
Our Distributionchannels include Clinic, Pharmacy, CVS, Supermarket,
Welfare Center, Boutique, Beauty Salon, and Direct Sales.
