Address: 7A-23, T. W. T. C. 5, Shin-I Rd., Sec. 5, Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-27583247
FAX: +886-2-27583249
Est. Year: 1979
Capital: NT$ 10,000,000
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Der-Guey Buu
Board Chairman: Mr. Der-Guey Buu
Sales Manager: Ms Kim Lin
Synchronous Motor, Hysteresis Synchronous Motor, AC Motor, Reversible Synchronous Motor.

Company Profile:
Suhder is an innovative designer and manufacturer of synchronous motor since 1979. Our mission is to provide customized service and reliable products for you. Our in-house facilities provide the versatility and capability to do complete jobs for you and to serve you based on your special requirements.
