Address: No. 24, Ting-Hu Rd., Ta-Kang Tsun, Kuei-Shan Hsiang, Tao-Yuan Hsien Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-3-3285001
FAX: +886-3-3285020
Est. Year: 1990
Capital: NT$ 2,168,200,000
Chief Executive Officer: H. C. Ho
Board Chairman: Felix S. T. Chen
General Manager: Waiyin Lai
Sales Manager: Tommy Kuo
color monitor, LCD monitor, testing instruments.

Company Profile:
SAMPO monitors are famous as high quarity. Many customers and profess-
onal magazines recommended the LCD monitors and the large size color
monitors of SAMPO. We also produced excellent mobile Notebook PC --
SAMPONote 5000 series.
