Address: No.29, Aly.33 Ln.514, Jhungjheng Rd. Xinjhung Dist, New Taipei City 24255, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-29021172
FAX: +886-2-29013706
CELL: +886-970093898
Est. Year: 1989
Capital: NT$ 200,000
Chief Executive Officer: Hung,Cheng-His
Aluminium Alloy Rollers (AR), Absorb Dust & Water Rollers, Wolfram Steel Rollers (WSR), Titanium Alloy Rollers (TAR), Teflon Rollers (TR), Precision Devices OEM, Shaped Buckets, Embossing Machines.

Company Profile:
Sung-Tai Machinery is a professional roller manufacturer with 33 years history. We manufacture Aluminium Rollers, Absorb Dust & Water Rollers, Wolfram Steel Rollers, Titanium Rollers and TeflonRollers. We also serve for mechanical device companies and helped them to manufacture customized precision devices.
