
Cellergy Super capacitors EDLC

Cellergy 超级电容EDLC

Cellergy Super capacitors EDLC
Pulse Application □Application for High Current Pulse Transmitting
1. Super capacitors operate as a bridge between electrolyte capacitors and batteries
2. High Power relative to batteries
3. capable of producing a high current pulse
4. High Energy relative to regular capacitors
5. capable of accumulating a higher charge

High capacitance (1 □ 1, 000mF)
High energy density / High Power
Small dimensions (from 12 x 12 mm to 48 x 30 mm)
Low ESR (from 10mΩ to 1Ω )
Expected life 50, 000 hrs. Expected life 50, 000 hrs.

电话: +886-2-28984050
传真: +886-2-28969157
手机: +886-916205145